Sunday, December 16, 2007

What Did The Puppeteer Say To The Puppet?

(Yesterday I went for a Japanese show "Bu.Su" about a school girl/apprentice geisha performing a famous puppet dance "Oshichi" (itself about a daughter of the greengrocer who started a fire to be reunited with the man she loves, a priest and ended up burning down half a city accidentally) for the school festival. One of the most interesting aspect of the movie was the dance in which a real person imitate a puppet.)

Love is just like a merry-go-round

With all the fun of the fair

One day I'm feeling down on the ground

Then I'm up in the air

Are you leading me on

Tomorrow will you be gone?

I wonder if one day that, you'll say that, you care
If you say you love me madly, I'll gladly be there
Like a puppet on a string

- Sandie Shaw

The puppeteer said to the puppet, "look, no strings attached".

- Ghostwise


He was the puppet of his past, because at the very stroke of midnight he jumped up and ran swiftly downstairs as if confident that, by the power of destiny, the house door would fly open before the absolute necessity of his errand.

- Under Western Eyes by Conrad, Joseph

We are all puppets of our past.
Habit & Obsession the Puppet Masters.

- Ghostwise

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