Monday, January 14, 2008

When A Mountain Of Rock Became Scattered Stones.

(Just came back from the ruins of majestic Angkor where we marveled at how great a civilization it must have been and how it could fall. Along with the wonder is the sadness of how ethereal life is when even a mountain can become scattered rocks.)

There is a temple in ruins stands,
Fashion'd by long forgotten hands:
Two or three columns, and many a stone,
Marble and granite, with grass o'ergrown!

- Lord Byron

Walking among the ruins accompanied by the feelings that nothing great last forever.

- Ghostwise


Prostrate the beauteous ruin lies; and all
That shared its shelter, perish in its fall.

- William Pitt

The ruins left behind, reminded of the many that once lived glorious lives in them.

- Ghostwise

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