Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Joy & Guilt.

When I speak the truth, it gives me such joy. When I speak with love, it gives me such joy. When I do things with love, it gives me such joy inside. The intention of the enlightened one is action based on pure morality and the highest integrity because that is the natural state of being...To be selfless is your natural state of being. To be loving is your natural state of being. To be compassionate is your natural state of being. Come to your natural state of being.

- Swami Sai Premananda

We have forgotten our natural state of being – that we were born good. (人之初性本善) Let us return to our natural state of being.

- Ghostwise


Short is the joy that guilty pleasure brings.

-Euripides (484 BC - 406 BC)

Long is the guilt it left behind.

- Ghostwise

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